Costa is on a mission to protect the world's waters by promoting sport fishing. This sport is environmentally friendly, sustainable and native to local cultures. In the rivers and ponds of Guyana's unspoiled rain forest, we found a place where sport fishing can preserve the country's natural resources and culture by supporting its indigenous peoples in a responsible way. Indifly started out of the Costa project to help a village deep in the heart of Guyana's rainforest. The project and its success spawned a movement and a organization who scour the globe to find projects where catch and release sport fishing can be an economic driver for conservation and community.
Indifly Pillars

Cultural Philosophy
Protect cultural heritage and empower local communities.

Economic Philosophy
Create opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.

Environmental Philosophy
Conserve resources through science-based management.

Award Winning Film
Costa Productions is proud to offer its Sundance Film Festival Award Winning Film Jungle Fish for free. Jungle Fish chronicles the epic struggle to not only figure out how to catch the world's largest fresh water fish, but how to save it while helping the village of Rewa in Guyana, secure a better life.
Watch FilmIndifly Projects

Protect Anaa
In a remote polynesian island chain, Anaa stands isolated. The local economy is built on gathering coconuts, known locally as copra. This is not enough to provide for simple necessities including teachers for the village children who are now sent away for school. Indifly is working on a project to empower the locals to create their own destiny.

Protect Wind River
Using the template for success from the Costa Guyana Project, Indifly is working with the Wyoming-based Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Native American Tribes and their youth to lay the groundwork for "tribal led" fishing operations.